False Face, False Heart

By Sarah A. Combs

The stage is set when the lives of a musician desperate to escape poverty, a disguised theatre ghost seeking stardom, and a haughty socialite hoping to dodge marriage, converge in a turbulent 1849 New York City where class divisions cause violence in the streets and sometimes in a haunted theatre.

Stay tuned for details about Sarah’s latest work in progress, False Face, False Heart: a historical fiction, paranormal novel for young adults. Subscribe to get information first, plus some exclusive excerpts from the book! Check out her blog -

Combing Through the Research.

  • Lagrange Terrace - New York City

    Home of Ida Rose Blair a character in False Face, False Heart

    The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. "La Grange Terrace, La Fayette Place, City Of New York." The New York Public Library Digital Collections.

  • The Five Points - New York City

    Lower East Side neighborhood near Copeland Doyle’s tenement, a character in False Face, False Heart.

  • After losing her beloved grandpa Charlie to cancer, fourteen-year-old Alden Proctor moves from New York City to Michigan when her mother takes a job to save the Pantages Theatre, an old Vaudeville house fated to be demolished. Few people recall the theatre’s prior existence. Well, few living people at least. But that’s all about to change. Overweight, self-conscious, and sick of being bullied by haters in Manhattan, Alden hopes Michigan will be a new beginning for her. But, shortly after her arrival, a neighborhood boy named Raccoon makes fun of her weight. Alden finds solace and a home in the theatre after befriending Walter, the old caretaker, and Julie, a tap-dancing theatre kid.But the Pantages has a secret, and Alden unknowingly stumbles upon it. Someone, or something doesn’t want the theatre to reopen. Alden becomes a target, and she could be in danger. But Alden refuses to give up her newfound home. She’s going to fight against that someone—whether they are of this world or the next.

  • Theatre Ghost is loosely based on the State Theatre, an old vaudeville house in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The State is known to have a few ghosts of its own!

    Photo credit: Mark Cassino